Mountains overlooking the Valley of Zoldo (Pelmo Civetta, Moiazza, Bosconero, Monte Rite etc.). There are many points of support refuges and shelter.
Here is a detailed description:
Civetta – Moiazza Group
Civetta peak:
- Refuge A. Sonnino to the Coldai Mount 2132 m
- Refuge A. Tissi 2260 m
- Refuge M. Vazzoler 1714 m to the Col Negro di Pelsa
- Refuge M.V. Torrani 2984 m
- Moiazza/Civetta – Rifugio B. Carestiato 1834 m
- Moiazza/Civetta – Refuge C. Tomè 1601 m
- Moiazza/Civetta – Refuge S. Sebastiano 1601 m